Tamatare Remedy: Symptoms and their remedy methods (for general injuries)

''Tamatare Remedy'' Tamatare means recovery of homeostasis, in other words, recovery of constancy body’s healthy balance.

Tamatare Remedy: Symptoms and their remedy methods (for general injuries)

My jaw aches when opening or closing my mouth, and at that time, my mouth twists and makes a sound!

All these symptoms are caused by a problem called "jaw arthritis", which is caused by the deformation of the jaw joint. Any human mouth is deformed more or less depending on the condition of the teeth. Teeth of left and right should be used equally at meals, but the preferred side is used more often out of habit.
Tamatare Remedy
Tamatare Remedy corrects the deformation by the face work, aligns the projection height of the left and right of the lower jaw to ease the load on the masseter muscle, and recovers the metabolism efficiency of the masseter muscle by the lower jaw fluctuation technique. These treatments remove the pain and the problem in opening and closing the mouth.
All these symptoms are caused by a problem called "jaw arthritis", which is caused by the deformation of the jaw joint. Any human mouth is deformed more or less depending on the condition of the teeth. Teeth of left and right should be used equally at meals, but the preferred side is used more often out of habit.
This overloads the left or right of the masseter muscles, which lie above the left and right cheeks and engage in opening and closing of the jaw, leading to unbalanced movement of opening and closing the mouth. This is the beginning of the deformation of the mouth. A covering on a back tooth for cavity treatment will further develops the deformation. This is natural because the frictional forces of a covering and a tooth are different. Continuation of this condition will make opening and closing of the mouth difficult and will eventually cause pain. Deformation of mouth develops faster in those who have the habit of grinding teeth while sleeping.

Tamatare Remedy: Symptoms and their remedy methods (for general injuries)