Tamatare Remedy: Symptoms and their remedy methods (for general injuries)

''Tamatare Remedy'' Tamatare means recovery of homeostasis, in other words, recovery of constancy body’s healthy balance.

Tamatare Remedy: Symptoms and their remedy methods (for general injuries)

My knee aches when climbing up the stairs!

This type of knee pain happens in the condition where lower leg muscles including the calf muscle does not support the weight when you try to extend the knee.
The muscles that cause pains when climbing up the stairs are different from those in climbing down the stairs.
Tamatare Remedy
The most effective remedy for this type of knee pain is conducting Tamatare Remedy to regain the metabolism efficiency of the muscles in the inner part of the lower leg. When the contraction force of the muscles is regained by the improved metabolism efficiency, the pain is removed and the problem cures.

Tamatare Remedy: Symptoms and their remedy methods (for general injuries)